How old should my child be to begin Irish Dancing?

New dancers do best if they already in school or (almost) 5 years old, however we do offer a beginner class just for dancers ages 4-5 who aren't yet in school or just started school. We also have a new program, Mini McGings, which is a pre-beginner class for children ages 3-4 who are too young for our youth beginner program but wish to start Irish Dancing! 

What will my child need to begin Irish Dancing?

New dancers in all Beginner Classes will need to purchase Irish Dancing shoes through our studio once they begin lessons. Dancers may wear any t-shirt and shorts/skorts to class. In the winter months dancers may wear leggings - no jeans or baggy sweatpants please. For safety purposes all hair must be pulled up and away from the face and no dangling jewelry is allowed. Your dancer will also need to bring a water bottle to class.

Dancers in our "Mini McGing" Program do NOT need to purchase Irish Dancing shoes. Additionally, dancers attending our Try It Out Camps & Samplers do not need to purchase Irish Dancing shoes for those programs.

How much do classes cost?

Beginner Classes are $175/session and our tuition system is based on a session basis (Fall, Winter & Spring Sessions). Each session is approximately 3-months. 

Tuition for the Mini McGing Class is $125 for each 10-week session. 

Tuition for Summer Try It Out Camps is $85.

What events will my child get to participate in through Irish Dance?

In your dancer's beginner year they will be able to participate in events such as the Beginner Recital (May), the St. Patrick's Day Parade (March), and the Ceili (February). The Ceili is McGing's Annual Gala Fundraiser - we like to refer to it as a wedding...just without the bride and groom! 

In future years your dancer will get to participate in events such as McGing's Annual Recital called Christmas in Killarney (December), the Celtic Festival (August) and the Cincinnati Feis (November). The Cincinnati Feis is a dance competition hosted by the McGing Irish Dancers.

All McGing Dancers regardless of age or level are invited to participate in numerous St. Patrick's Day Performances!